GC G-COAT PLUS light cured protective coating, 4ml/bottle

Brand Name

: GC Asia


: PMH202305942-202200023-N/A

Product Code

: PMH202305942


G-COAT PLUS is the first single dispersion nano-filled protective coating for glass ionomer, composite and temporary restorations. This liquid glaze ensures improved aesthetics and increased strength, toughness and protection, as well as providing you time savings. Advantages buttet pointProvides surface smoothness buttet point Reduces the risk of staining on restoratives buttet point Prevents the initial sensitivity of GICs to water buttet point Protects the margin of tooth and restorative buttet point Improves wear resistance buttet point Compatible with different types of light-curing units (Halogen, LED, Plasma) Indications buttet pointTo seal and protect the surface of glass ionomer, direct/indirect composite and provisional restorations buttet pointTo seal and protect the adhesive interface between restorations and tooth structure

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